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     You are here > Home > Services > Harmony Prenatal Blood Test

Harmony Prenatal Blood Test

  • A simple, safe blood test
  • Highly accurate, individualized results
  • Performed any time after 10 weeks’ gestation
  • Low false positive rate

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
Harmony Blood Test

Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), also known as the Harmony Test, is available as a test for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome.  The advantages include:

  1. Only maternal blood is taken.
  2. Procedure is risk free as it is Non-invasive (no risk to the baby).
  3. Can be done after 10 weeks gestation.
  4. Greater than 95% accuracy at predicting babies with chromosomal abnormalities.
  5. The test can also determine fetal sex if you wish to know
  6. The test can also be used in cases of multiple pregnancies.
  7. It can also rule out any problem with the babies sex chromosomes.

The Harmony Prenatal Test assesses the risks of trisomy 21 (Downs Syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward’s Syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome) in the fetus. I can also rule out any problem with the babies sex Chromosomes.  It does not rule out other fetal abnormalities e.g. It does not assess risk for mosaicism, partial trisomy, translocations or structural defect such as Spina bifida or anencephaly.

Hence it can be combined with a detailed scan and Nuchal Translucency (best performed at 13-14 weeks) see below for Harmony & Nuchal scan packages

Who can have the test?

The test is suitable for any pregnancy where the fetal heart is present and the fetal length is equivalent to 10 weeks gestation or more.

Repeat Samples

The Harmony test needs enough fetal DNA in the maternal blood to be able to provide a result.  In about 3% of cases there is insufficient fetal DNA in the sample and then another blood sample may be required.

What is the Process?

Once you have decided that you want to have the Harmony test performed, Please call the Clinic for an appointment.  At the clinic we will go over your details again and answer any questions you may have.  Once you are happy to proceed you will be asked to sign a consent form and a simple blood sample will be taken from a vein in your arm.  The sample and request form are then packaged for delivery to The Harmony Laboratory in London.


Your results will be sent back to Dr Fogarty after 5 working days (approximately 1 calendar week from taking the blood sample at the clinic). We will then inform you by telephone, writing or email as you prefer.

An Abnormal Result

If the result is positive the normal protocol is to proceed with an invasive test such as a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or an amniocentesis. This will then confirm an early accurate diagnosis. There is less than 1% false positive result. 

Costs of the Harmony test?

            We have three pricing Options

  1. Harmony blood Test on its own ( if you have had a recent scan elsewhere)
    1. Fee to Dr Fogarty’s clinic £75
    2. Fee payable to Harmony Laboratory £275
  2. Harmony and Early Pregnancy Scan
    1. This includes an early pregnancy scan and taking the Harmony blood sample
    2. Fee to Dr Fogarty’s clinic £150
    3. Fee payable to Harmony Laboratory £275

For Appointments or further information call Glen House Clinic 028 9185 3343
Further information may be also obtained at


Harmony Information Brochure

Harmony Information Video

Educational Video - understanding your prenatal options

Harmony Website



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